Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The High Key Portrait

Creating a high key portrait is not as difficult as it seems.
The range of tones in a high key portrait are predominantly on the light end of a histogram. If you think of a graph where the far left is black the center is a middle grey and the far right is black. The largest portion of tones in the image would fall on the right of the center of this graph.

Almost every bit of information I have ever come across recommends the use of a  "fair complexioned"  subject for high key portraits. I found this difficult to believe or maybe I just felt it necessary to prove those advice givers wrong. It is very much possible and can be done in some very pleasing ways.

To show the possible range of what I consider to be a model of medium complexion, but in the mainstream photography world would be considered dark, I will show a medium and high key image. 

Most of the images you will see that get the label of high key will be black and white or some other form of monochrome. The reason for this is simplicity. It is much easier to create a good looking high key image with a monochrome composition. The less colors you have to think about the easier it is to create a pleasing image in this tonal range. Now I dont want to confuse you. It is not at all impossible or even extremely difficult to create a color high key image it just requires a little more consideration to balance the image and keep it from looking "overexposed".

Beginning with even lighting where there is little or at least only moderate shadow area helps make the process a little simpler. While technology is amazing and the ability to photoshop an image into something completely different from what you start with is common, it is best to begin with an image intended to be processed this way. Why spend unnecessary amounts of time beating an image into submission when if you just think about your end result life after the shutter clicks will be  a lot easier.

Now I don't propose to be a high key master of any sort. I am actually very new to this style but so far I have had results that I find pleasing.

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